Add New Default Avatar

Add new option to the Default Avatar list. Supply a name and URL for an image you’d like to use and it will appear in your Default Avatar list on the Discussion page (under Settings).


Latest version: Download Add New Default Avatar v1.4


  1. Upload kl_addnewdefaultavatar.php to the /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings > Discussion > Avatars
  4. Supply the name and URL for the avatar you’d rather use. Save. (Some themes won’t resize your image to fit, so it’s best to use an image that’s already the right size.)
  5. Your avatar will now be available in the list, select it and save.



  • Behind the scenes clean up


  • Quick fix a few errors on fresh installs


  • Fixed plugin URI
  • Special exception to work along with the Simple Local Avatar plugin
  • Fixed donate link
  • Made it possible to add more than 1 additional default avatar option.
  • On deactivation, will restore to last known default not created by the plugin


  • Removed ‘Go Pro’ links
  • Fixed URL matching so active avatar will be better indicated in admin.
  • Added ‘size’ placeholder. Pass ‘%size%’ in url, and it will be replaced with appropriate numerical value.


  • Removed admin page, options now in Settings > Discussion > Avatars


  • Initial Release.

24 thoughts on “Add New Default Avatar”

  1. I installed the plugin on my Word Press Site and I use the Thesis Theme 1.8. It worked perfectly. Thank you so much for this excellent – no hassle plugin!
    Wishing lots of success!
    P.S. I am willing to make a contribution for this, but do not see such a button on your page.

    1. Thanks! I’m glad you like it. If you would like to make a contribution, you can do so here or through the donate button I’ve just added to the sidebar.

  2. I have used this on my site and it works great, but when I tried to set it up for a friend on their website, nothing shows up in the user section as far as the picture or a way to upload a new one. I did everything the same… any ideas on this?

    1. Sorry for the really late response –
      I can’t think of an obvious reason the plugin would work in one place and not another. Is/Was everything really the same? Plugins, user roles, etc.?

  3. Is there a way to make it pick a different image per email address commenter like the monsters avatar does? Just wondering!

  4. Great plug-in, but I have one question. Is this designed so that Gravatars will still be supported? Because right now all my avatars have changed to the default one.


  5. I’ve been using this plugin for a while but yesterday someone reported to me that their uploaded avatar wasn’t displaying on my organisation’s website. The only avatar that was showing was the new default avatar, as facilitated by using this plugin.

    I managed to get my own admin user’s gravatar working but not this user’s uploaded avatar. I could see that this user had uploaded their avatar but it wasn’t displaying in their blog comment or in the list of WP users in the WP admin interface.

    I decided to deactivate your plugin and this got the user’s uploaded avatar displaying, so I’ve had to leave your plugin deactivated for now. Do you have any idea of what might have gone wrong?

  6. Any way to limit the file size of the uploaded image? Or automatically revise the image to fit the box at 72dpi?

    If someone uploads a 400K image to use as their avatar, it seems the plugin merely scales the beast instead of revising it to fit. Using the giant original slows load time considerably…

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