Worried about accidentally running a real search-replace
command? Here’s how you can require confirmation for live-runs:
In your config file, add this:
require: - /path/to/search-replace-confirmation.php
In /path/to/search-replace-confirmation.php
, add this:
<?php $configurator = \WP_CLI::get_configurator(); $argv = array_slice( $GLOBALS['argv'], 1 ); list( $args, $assoc_args, $runtime_config ) = $configurator->parse_args( $argv ); if ( 'help' === $args[0] ) { // no need to run any checks for help commands return; } if ( \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value( $assoc_args, 'dry-run' ) ) { // no need to run any checks if we're already dry-running return; } if ( 'search-replace' === $args[0] ) { WP_CLI::confirm( 'Proceed with live run?' ); }