=== XKCD Timer ===
Contributors: trepmal
Tags: recent, recent posts, most recent, category posts, thumbnail, loop, widget, shortcode, template tag
Donate link: http://kaileylampert.com/donate/
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 3.2.1
Stable tag: 1.0
Pointless, but (potentially) entertaining timer based on http://xkcd.com/363/
== Description ==
Pointless, but (potentially) entertaining timer based on http://xkcd.com/363/
== Installation ==
1. Download the zip file and extract the contents.
2. Upload the ‘xkcd-timer’ folder to your plugin directory (default: wp-content/plugins/).
3. Activate the plugin through the ‘plugins’ page in WP.
4. See ‘Appearance’->’Widgets’ to place it on your sidebar. Set the settings.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How do I reset the timer? =
Check the “Reset timer on save?” in the widget settings and click save.
== Screenshots ==
1. The widget
2. The settings
== Upgrade Notice ==
= Version 1.0 =
== Changelog ==
= Version 1.0 =
* Initial release version.