Grabs the site ID and puts it by the “Howdy” greeting in the upper right hand corner of your WordPress dashboard.
For super admins it’s a link, for regular admins it’s plain text.
Update: This feature has been bundled into the Howdy Tweaks plugin.
Just toss in your function.php file.
<?php add_filter('admin_user_info_links','blog_id_in_howdy_greeting'); function blog_id_in_howdy_greeting($links) { global $blog_id; if ( is_super_admin() ) { $links[] = ' | <a href="/ms-sites.php?action=editblog&id=' . $blog_id . '">Site ID: ' . $blog_id . '</a>'; } else { $links[] = ' | Site ID: ' . $blog_id; } return $links; } ?>
Easy to modify it you want to remove the number from regular admin’s view all together.
Note: Since WordPress 3.3, this does not work, but the Howdy Tweaks plugin is up-to-date.