Redirect When Search Query is an Exact Title Match

You probably shouldn’t use this if you have really generic page/post titles, but it can be a really handy feature.

Basically, if a user searches for something that happens to be an exact match to a page or post you have, it’ll redirect the user to the page, rather than displaying search results.

add_action('template_redirect', 'seach_query_is_title');
function seach_query_is_title() {
	if (is_search()) {
		global $wp_query;
		if ( get_page_by_title( get_search_query(), 'OBJECT', 'post' ) ) {
			wp_redirect( get_permalink( get_page_by_title (get_search_query() )->ID ) );
		elseif ( get_page_by_title( get_search_query(), 'OBJECT', 'page' ) ) {
			wp_redirect( get_permalink( get_page_by_title( get_search_query() )->ID ) );

2 thoughts on “Redirect When Search Query is an Exact Title Match”

  1. THanks for code. It is what I have been looking for. After I add the code to functions.php, is there anything else I need to do to make it work within the WordPress search?

  2. After I placed it in my theme functions it did work. I did notice that it wasn’t necessarily an exact title match. It redirected to the first post that had the search term in the title. Is there a way to make the search a true exact make? For example my post are Scripture Verses. And so “John 1:1” is also going to be in “John 1:19” and so what is happening for me is that it is redirecting to “John 1:19” instead. Thanks for your time!

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