Remove Buttons from the Visual Editor

Unnecessary buttons in the Visual Editor? Try this

add_filter('mce_buttons', 'remove_mce_buttons' );
function remove_mce_buttons($buttons) {
	return $buttons;
//     [0] => bold
//     [1] => italic
//     [2] => strikethrough
//     [3] => |
//     [4] => bullist
//     [5] => numlist
//     [6] => blockquote
//     [7] => |
//     [8] => justifyleft
//     [9] => justifycenter
//     [10] => justifyright
//     [11] => |
//     [12] => link
//     [13] => unlink
//     [14] => wp_more
//     [15] => |
//     [16] => spellchecker
//     [17] => fullscreen
//     [18] => wp_adv

If you’re concerned about accidentally removing the wrong one, it’s simple enough to add a check

add_filter('mce_buttons', 'remove_mce_buttons' );
function remove_mce_buttons($buttons) {
	if ($buttons[16] == 'spellchecker')
	return $buttons;

Change Admin Footer Text

If you need to customize the WordPress administration area, you’ll find this useful.

add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'left_admin_footer_text_output'); //left side
function left_admin_footer_text_output($text) {
    $text = 'How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?';
    return $text;

add_filter('update_footer', 'right_admin_footer_text_output', 11); //right side
function right_admin_footer_text_output($text) {
    $text = "That's purely hypothetical.";
    return $text;

Remove Title Attribute from Featured Image

If you have featured images (formerly post thumbnails) that aren’t named as well as they could be, it’s nice to remove the title attribute so that things like “header-large” don’t appear in the tool tips.

add_filter('post_thumbnail_html', 'remove_feat_img_title');
function remove_feat_img_title($img) {
    $img = preg_replace('/title="(.*?)"/','',$img);
    return $img; 