A few notes on skipping plugins with wp-cli.
Suppose you want to skip all except one, DONTSKIP:
wp user list --skip-plugins=$(wp plugin list --field=name | grep -v ^DONTSKIP$ | tr '\n' ',')
If this will be repeated, you’d benefit from saving the ‘skip-list’ to a text file instead of running the nested command each time. This also allows you to update the skip-list relatively easily, if you don’t mind tighly squeezed comma-separated lists.
wp plugin list --field=name | grep -v ^DONTSKIP$ | tr '\n' ',' > skipplugins.txt
wp user list --skip-plugins=`cat skipplugins.txt`
If it’s a permanent skip-list, save the keystrokes and processes by putting it in a config file (different options depending on how global you want that change: http://wp-cli.org/config/)
- skip-me
- skip-me-too
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