Toss this into your functions.php file to add or remove items from the favorites menu (dropdown by Howdy greeting) in WordPress. Continue reading Customize WordPress “Favorites” Menu
Category: WordPress Bits
Change Search Engines Blocked text in WordPress
Changes “Search Engines Blocked” to some other text, in this case “Privacy Mode Enabled.” Just put this in your function.php file. Continue reading Change Search Engines Blocked text in WordPress
Add more Date/Time Format options to WordPress
If you often customize the date/time formats in WordPress, this might be useful. Just put into your functions.php file and your new formats will be added to the list. Continue reading Add more Date/Time Format options to WordPress
Updating Permalink Structure from a Plugin
If you need to update/re-save the permalink structure from within your plugin, here’s how:
Add WYSIWYG controls to a particular custom field
As of WordPress 3.2, this implementation can be finicky – mostly an issue with inserting images into the right editor.
However, WordPress 3.3 (as of this note, is in beta 2) in getting an Editor API which will make adding 2nd (and 3rd…) editors to a single page much more reliable. If you don’t see me post an update by the end of the year – 3.3 has a tentative release date of sometime near the end of November 2011 – ping me here or on twitter @trepmal.
I work with a lot of less-than-tech-savvy people. Explaining how to use custom fields on their WordPress site is scary for both of us…
So I’ve been working on this plugin, this is definitely still rough around the edges, so if you spot any major issues, please let me know. Continue reading Add WYSIWYG controls to a particular custom field
Put site ID by “Howdy” greeting in WordPress
Grabs the site ID and puts it by the “Howdy” greeting in the upper right hand corner of your WordPress dashboard.
For super admins it’s a link, for regular admins it’s plain text. Continue reading Put site ID by “Howdy” greeting in WordPress
Change “Howdy” to Something Else
I’ve got nothing against the “Howdy” greeting in WordPress, but in case you do, this little snippet might just help you out.
It’s currently set to change “Howdy” to “Yo.” Just drop this in your functions.php file. I’ll turn it into a spiffy plugin later… Continue reading Change “Howdy” to Something Else
Must-Use vs Network Activated Plugins in WordPress
I’ve been trying to come up with some differences between must-use and network-activated plugins. Here’s what I’ve got so far. Please let me know in the comments if I’ve overlooked anything.
Continue reading Must-Use vs Network Activated Plugins in WordPress
Image replacement for wp_list_pages
For those rare circumstances where you just have to replace text-based navigation with images… Continue reading Image replacement for wp_list_pages
Adding More Classes to wp_list_pages()
If you’re trying to style nested items in wp_list_pages()
the task can be daunting. You’ll apply a style to an <li>
then have to unapply those styles for the nested <li>
s, and if you’re dropdowns get any deeper, you CSS can become overwhelming. It’s a little better if you don’t care about IE, because then you can use those fancy CSS selectors like ul > li,
or ul li > li
to target certain depths. But if you’re stuck fighting with IE, maybe this will help.